Sunday, May 30, 2021

Return to Me

Return to me is in my top ten favorite movies of all time.

It's sweet, it's tender, and it's so SO good.

The premise is simple: a man, Bob, who fiercely loves his wife loses her in a fatal car accident.

In the long wake of her death, he has no interest in finding love again, despite the enthusiastic efforts of his misguided friend.

That is, until one night, while on yet another date his friend had set up him with, Bob meets Grace, the sweet yet feisty waitress.

Immediately there's a connection there on both sides that seems unexplainable.

They begin to date and fall for each other in the most darling way possible. All is going well, so well. Until . . .

Grace finds a note in Bob's apartment, a letter he'd received from the anonymous woman who had been the recipient of Bob's deceased wife's heart. It was from Grace.

The two must come to terms with the heart that's in Grace and what it means to both of them, how it pulled them together.

As Bob tries to wrap his brain around the situation, Grace's grandpa (played brilliantly by Caroll O'Connor) says:

"I know that what's happened has been overwhelming. And I know it's going to take a while to sort it all out. But while you're sorting, I want you to remember that all the times I prayed that Gracie would have a second chance at life, I always knew that if God blessed us, the heart she got would have to be from a very special person, if it were going to be at home in Grace. When she met you, her heart beat truly for the first time. Perhaps it was meant to be with you always."

Grab. The. Kleenex.

I love the idea that one heart longs to be with another. 

That one heart calls to another.

That one heart truly beats when it's reunited with another.

In my scripture study this morning, I came across a plea from the Savior:

"Will ye not now return unto me. . . that I may heal you?" (3 Nephi 9:13)

Then, just a few moments later He tells us what He desires: our hearts.  (v 20)

I love the visual that formed in my mind as I read this, one of Jesus calling to me, wanting my heart to be with His.

When I have heed His call and returned to Him, I feel my heart beating harder, with more purpose, stronger, and more joyful.

The words of Grace's grandpa, with some minor adjustments, play in my mind:

"Michelle, I know that what's happened in your life has been overwhelming. And I know it's going to take a while to sort it all out. But, while you're sorting, I want you to remembet that all the times I prayed you'd have a second chance at life, I always know that if God blessed you, your peace would have to be from a very special person, if it were going to be at home in you. When you met the Savior, your heart beat truly for the first time. Perhaps it was meant to be with Him always."

Becasue of Jesus, we have a new chance at life. 

Our hearts truly beat when we allow Him love us, to teach us, to forgive us, to embrace us.

This is how I feel about my Savior.  That is continually beckoning me - us - to return to Him.

It is where our hearts can truly beat for the first time, again and again and again.

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